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L'histoire de la chanson "Rhythm in Your Mind"

Qui a chanté la chanson Rhythm in Your Mind ?

STR4TA a sorti la chanson Rhythm in Your Mind. Date: 2021.

Interprète(s): STR4TA
Date de sortie: 2021
Durée: 03:45
La chanson parle de continuer à se sentir bien malgré ce qui se passe autour de soi.
👉 Écoutez le titre ' Rhythm in Your Mind ' sur Spotify
Quelques infos biographiques sur STR4TA

- Gilles and Jean-Paul Maunick released a new project called STR4TA.

- The project is a fresh slant on the sound first developed by groups like Atmosfear, Hi-Tension, Light of the World, and Freeez (of which Maunick was a member).

- The Brit-funk sound was rooted in raucous live shows in the early days, and Maunick and Peterson want to capture that raw sound.

- The debut album was accompanied by the single ‘Rhythm In Your Mind,’ which showcases the superb musicianship of Francis Hylton on bass and Matt Cooper on keys and drums.
Rhythm in Your Mind - STR4TA

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