How did Jelly Roll Morton die?

Jelly Roll Morton died on July 10, 1941.

At the age of 50
Jelly Roll Morton, also known as Ferdinand Joseph LaMothe, was an American jazz pianist, composer, and bandleader. He was a prominent figure in the early development of jazz music in New Orleans.

Jelly Roll Morton’s death is attributed to several factors. In the years leading up to his death, he suffered from declining health due to a combination of physical and mental illnesses. Morton had a long history of alcoholism, which undoubtedly took a toll on his overall well-being.

In 1940, Morton had a series of strokes that severely impacted his ability to perform and compose music. These strokes left him partially paralyzed and unable to use his right hand effectively. As a result, he struggled to continue his career in music.

The decline in Morton’s health and his inability to pursue his passion in music likely contributed to his deteriorating mental state. He became increasingly depressed and despondent, feeling frustrated and defeated by his physical limitations.

In 1941, at the age of 50, Jelly Roll Morton passed away in Los Angeles, California. The exact cause of his death is officially recorded as heart failure. However, it is important to note that his alcoholism, strokes, and mental health issues most likely played significant roles in his ultimately fatal heart failure.

Jelly Roll Morton’s death marked the end of a remarkable career that had left a lasting impact on the development of jazz music. Despite his struggles and hardships, his musical genius ensured his legacy as one of the pioneering figures in the world of jazz.
How did Jelly Roll Morton die