🎙 CDM Sound Studios

CDM Sound Studios is a premier recording studio located in Manhattan’s Film Center on 9th Avenue. Our studio is situated in the heart of Manhattan Community Board 4 in New York County and the City of New York. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest technologies, instruments, and recording equipment to deliver premium sound quality and superior results. Our professional staff is dedicated to making your recording experience enjoyable and successful. Whether you are a professional producer, recording artist, or just getting started, we have something for everyone. Come experience the best of what CDM Sound Studios has to offer and make your next project shine.
cmf radio recording studios
CDM Sound Studios full address
Film Center, 630, 9th Avenue, Manhattan Community Board 4, Manhattan, New York County, City of New York, New York, 10036, United States

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CDM Sound Studios - recording studio  in or near New York City
CDM Sound Studios contact details
Phone: +12129041870
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