🎙 IMix Recording Studios

IMix Recording Studios is a state of the art recording facility located in Encanto, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, 85006, United States. We specialize in providing professional recording, music production, mixing and mastering services. Our knowledgeable and experienced staff is dedicated to helping you create the highest quality audio for your projects. We have an array of professional equipment and instruments, along with a comfortable and inviting atmosphere that will make your recording session an enjoyable and productive experience. Whether you are an experienced artist or a beginner, IMix Recording Studios is the perfect place to bring your music to life.
cmf radio recording studios
IMix Recording Studios Opening hours
Monday: 9 AM–2 AM
Tuesday: 9 AM–2 AM
Wednesday: 9 AM–2 AM
Thursday: 9 AM–2 AM
Friday: 9 AM–2 AM
Saturday: 9 AM–2 AM
Sunday: 9 AM–2 AM
IMix Recording Studios full address
719, East Monte Vista Road, Encanto, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, 85006, United States

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IMix Recording Studios - recording studio  in or near Phoenix
IMix Recording Studios contact details
Phone: +16027388059
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