🎙 JCB Music

JCB Music is a recording studio located on 700 13th Street in the East Village of Banker’s Hill in San Diego, California. We offer a range of services, such as guitar lessons, session work, songwriting, and performance lessons. With our recording studio based in Downtown San Diego, we are the perfect place for musicians of all levels and backgrounds to get the help they need to create beautiful music. Feel free to come by and take a look around. We look forward to helping you reach your musical goals!
cmf radio recording studios
JCB Music Opening hours
Monday: 10 AM–8 PM
Tuesday: 10 AM–8 PM
Wednesday: 10 AM–8 PM
Thursday: 10 AM–8 PM
Friday: 10 AM–8 PM
Saturday: 10 AM–8 PM
Sunday: 10 AM–8 PM
JCB Music full address
700, 13th Street, East Village, Banker’s Hill, San Diego, CAL Fire San Diego Unit, CAL Fire Southern Region, California, 92101, United States

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JCB Music - recording studio  in or near San Diego
JCB Music contact details
Phone: +16194174080
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