🎙 PPI Recording, Inc

PPI Recording, Inc is a professional recording studio located at 19 Mercer Street in Manhattan Community Board 2, Manhattan, New York County, City of New York, New York, 10013, United States. The studio provides premier recording services to artists and musicians looking to create the best quality recordings. We have a team of experienced sound engineers, producers and studio technicians who use state-of-the-art equipment and technology to ensure the highest quality recordings. We pride ourselves on creating a comfortable and professional atmosphere that allows our clients to get the best out of their recordings.
cmf radio recording studios
PPI Recording, Inc full address
19, Mercer Street, Manhattan Community Board 2, Manhattan, New York County, City of New York, New York, 10013, United States

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PPI Recording
PPI Recording, Inc contact details
Phone: +16465910065
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