🎙 Tandem Recording Studios

Tandem Recording Studios is a professional recording studio located in the United States Post Office on Jackson Street in Lower Moyamensing, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, 19145. Our recording studio offers a wide range of services for musicians, producers, and audio engineers, including music production, mixing & mastering, sound design, and vocal tracking. We have a fully-equipped studio with the latest audio equipment, ensuring high-quality recordings. Our experienced staff are well-versed in all aspects of music production, and will make sure you get the best sound possible. At Tandem Recording Studios, we are committed to helping you achieve your creative goals and make the music you’ve always dreamed of.
cmf radio recording studios
Tandem Recording Studios full address
United States Post Office, Jackson Street, Lower Moyamensing, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, 19145, United States

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Tandem Recording Studios - recording studio  in or near Philadelphia
Tandem Recording Studios contact details
Phone: +12673176940
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