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Discover the story of the song > She Talks To Angels – The Black Crowes

Who sang She Talks To Angels?
Release date: 1990
Duration: 05:29

The Black Crowes released the song She Talks To Angels. Date of release: 1990.

The story of the song ' She Talks To Angels '

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The meaning of the song 'She Talks To Angels ', based on the lyrics
What is She Talks To Angels about?
🎶 She Talks To Angels song analysis
The song is about a woman who doesn't talk about her drug addiction and has a troubled past, including being an orphan. She wears a cross around her neck and keeps a lock of hair in her pocket from a little boy she has never met. She claims that she talks to angels and that they know her by name. The protagonist is interested in her and understands that, despite her problems, she is special to him.

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This explanation is based on the lyrics of ‘She Talks To Angels’. The meaning is of course subject to interpretation.
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The Black Crowes - Short Biography

Atlanta-based rock band The Black Crowes have been making music since 1984 and have released eight studio albums, four live albums and hit singles throughout their career. Their first album, Shake Your Money Maker, was released in 1990 after signing with Def American Recordings. Their second album, The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion, topped the Billboard 200 in 1992. After a hiatus, the band reformed and released Warpaint in 2008, which debuted at number five on the Billboard charts, proving that the Black Crowes still have a bright future ahead of them.
Image credit: Claude-Étienne Armingaud – Claudé – Wikimedia
Story of the song She Talks To Angels - The Black Crowes
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"She Talks to Angels" is a popular song by American rock band The Black Crowes. It was released in 1991 as the fourth single from their debut album, Shake Your Money Maker, and reached #30 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States, #1 on the Billboard Album Rock Tracks, and #21 in New Zealand. The song is a melancholy rock ballad with a haunting melody that tells the story of a woman's search for redemption and solace.

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