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Discover the story of the song > Un jour tu reviendras – Mireille Mathieu

Who sang Un jour tu reviendras?

Mireille Mathieu released the song Un jour tu reviendras.

Duration: 05:11
Writer(s): Ennio Morricone
Producer(s): Ennio Morricone

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The meaning of the song 'Un jour tu reviendras ', based on the lyrics
What is Un jour tu reviendras about?
🎶 Un jour tu reviendras song analysis

- The song is about a woman who is waiting for the return of her loved one.

- She says she remembers the good times they had together and hopes he will come back.

- She says that her love for him is still strong, even though he is no longer here.

- "Someday you'll come back" can be interpreted as a hope that the person will actually come back, or as a statement that even if he or she doesn't physically come back, he or she will still be in her heart.

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This explanation is based on the lyrics of ‘Un jour tu reviendras’. The meaning is of course subject to interpretation.
The meaning of the song lyrics, in a few words...
The song is about a woman waiting for the return of her loved one and the love she has for him, even if he is gone.
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Mireille Mathieu - Short Biography

Mireille Mathieu is a French singer born on July 22, 1946 in Avignon.

She grew up in a modest family and started singing at the age of four. At the age of fifteen, she won a singing contest on French television and recorded her first album in 1966.

Since then, she has released more than 100 albums and has sold more than 150 million albums worldwide. She is an international star and has toured France, Germany, Russia, China and many other countries. She has also participated in numerous festivals and has received many awards and honors.

In 2017, she was named Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur by French President Emmanuel Macron. She has also been named a Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters.

In 2019, she was honored by the Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris for her impact on French fashion and culture.

Mireille Mathieu is a highly respected and beloved French singer who continues to travel the world with her art.
Image credit: Heinrich Klaffs – Wikimedia
story of a song - Un jour tu reviendras - Mireille Mathieu
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