One Hour With Peter De Cuyper

Hosted by Fred

Music & Talk

Country: UK

Show description

Frédérick welcomes Peter De Cuyper for an introduction show on CMF Radio. Peter will share with us some of his favourite tracks and will present his weekly show, AUTOmagic, due to premiere on CMF Radio on Saturday May 16 at 16:00 BST.

Fred | biography

DJ Fred CMF Radio
Frédérick Tubiermont has always been “radio geek”! He started as radio DJ / presenter in the early 1990s. After a gap of more than 20 years, he founded CMF Radio during the 2020 lockdown. Frédérick is thrilled to have talented international contributors on board for the organic development of CMF Radio, incl. Peter De Cuyper who joins us from Portugal for a weekly show, AUTOmagic.